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World Economic Forum


14 Dicembre 2022

African Continental Free Trade Area - AfCFTA

An important conference on Italian-African relations with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs; the National President of Italian Agriculture; the National President of ASeS-CIA; the Minister Deputy Central Director for Sub-Saharan Africa. Strategic steps to develop a virtuous partnership in the promotion of culture, formation and social economy for the promotion of common good.

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24 Settembre 2022

Pensions, economy, development, inflation

Topics addressed by ITINERARI PREVIDENZIALI with the precious guidance of Alberto Brambilla whom we thank for the organization and hospitality. (Bari 2022 - Core Values) Honored to be part of the scientific committee.


27 Settembre 2021

Core Values Org. Technical Scientific Committee

Composed of more than 150 highly qualified professionals and academics from 40 nations and prestigious Universities. The interaction between Universities, Research Centers, Professionals and General Managers as a very effective way to offer the different territories, states, countries, concrete and innovative answers on the specific topics under study. Multidisciplinary approach and teamwork have rewarded these almost 15 years of professional work in promoting the common good.


4 Novembre 2022

Pontifical Academy of Sciences and Humanity 2.0

International meeting between academics for the study of highly topical issues. Oxford University and Harvard University among others with proposals and strategies to share and stimulate. Core Values ​​honored to participate. (Vatican Nov. 2022).


28 Aprile 2022

Closing ceremony at the European University of Rome

In collaboration with UER ACADEMY and the Center for Studies and Research ‘Itinerari Previdenziali.

Advanced training course in management and control of the forms of complementary pension pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 252/2005 DM n. 108/2020 and welfare mix.


25 Settembre 2021

15th National Meeting - Itinerari Previdenziali: “Alternative finance between risk and return”

All the different categories of pension funds, together with different asset management companies (SGR) and advisors to reflect on the current economic and financial scenario.


11 Ottobre 2022

Card. Peter Turkson & Core Values Org: A new economic paradigm for sustainable development

Jobs, virtuous and sustainable finance, training, skills development and human values are necessary ingredients to support the poorest nations (Africa and Latin America Project).


10 Ottobre 2021

“ESG E SRI, le Politiche di Investimento Sostenibile degli Investitori istituzionali italiani”

Terza indagine sulle strategie di sostenibilità e integrazione dei criteri ESG nel portafogli dei principali investitori istituzionali Italiani.

A cura del Centro Studi e Ricerche Itinerari Previdenziali.


12-14 Settembre 2021


"Bioethics and Quality of life in the field of health care: An Holistic approach"

A very significative Summit to share Reseach and Clinical practice in the context of the actual pandemic. Bioethics as a rational and empirical Science has an important role to promote quality of life in the field of health care.

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May 9, 2021


More than 6000 companies from all production sectors for the sixth edition of the PMI Welfare Index: for the first time it measures the social impact of corporate welfare on all stakeholders: workers, families, communities, suppliers, consumers, with the intervention of Maurizio Grifoni, President of Fondo Fon.Te. (Rome Italy)

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July 6, 2021


Core Values org. interacts with a qualified International Network of Universities and Research Centers. New doctoral thesis in Spain, (Loyola University of Cordoba and European University of Rome), being part of the Doctoral Commission with international recognition.


18 Aprile 2021

I mercati emergenti come eminente fattore di crescita per l'economia globale

Prof. Javier Fiz Perez (vicepresidente Core Values org.) nominato Co-Chair WG Mercati Emergenti e Chair per l'America Latina (Sme Connect Comunità Europea)

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January 12, 2021

Meeting with His Eminence Cardinal Parolin

Core Values org. meets His Eminence Cardinal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, on the issues of world economy and finance. Core Values org. wants to give concrete initiatives at the international level for the promotion of a culture of values applied to all social spheres.


December 16, 2019

European University of Rome

Closing Ceremony of the Advanced Training Course for Professionals "Cooperative Management Coaching & Integral Formation" in collaboration with INAIL, ISTAT, Accenture (Private Entities​​ and Public). "Quality in the context of working life becomes real when HHRR, Cooperative Organization and Integral Training work together" (Rome, Italy)

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November 20, 2019

European meeting in Zagreb (Croatia) with SME Europe

The largest political organization in Europe that works for the rights of small and medium-sized enterprises in collaboration with EPP.


September 26, 2019

National Meeting of Social Security Routes

Participation in the National Meeting of Social Security Itineraries with Prof. Alberto Brambilla (President of the Research Center for Social Security Itineraries). Sicily 2019.

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12 September 2019

International Doctorate from the University of Navarra

Participation in the International Doctorate at the University of Navarra. Member of the Teaching Body. Intercultural education field.


June 28, 2019

Meeting with the INTEGRA Consortium in collaboration with UNIPOL Banca

Cooperate to Innovate. S. Rossetti (DG Banca Unipol), S. Bonaccini (President of the Emilia-Romagna Region), Aldo Soldi President of the Integra Council, Carlo Zini (President of Legacoop), Mauro Lusetti (President of Legacoop) and S. Di Piazza (Senator, President of Finance and Treasury ), Vittorio di Volo (Capo Integra Southern Italy) with our friend Mirko Mancini (National Director of Integra). meat sauce.


23 June 2019

National training meeting

National CSI Executives. Conference: New leadership styles. (Rome Italy)

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17 May 2019

Meeting in the Chamber of Deputies (Italy) on National Security

With Prof. Ramieri Razzante (CRST Director), Lorenzo Guerini (COPASIR President), Enzo Vecciariali (Head of State of Defense), Federico Cafiero De R. (National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Lawyer), Lamberto Gimmini (Central Police Prevention Director), Bruno Fratasi (Director of the National Seized Assets Agency), Pasquale Angelosanto (Commander ROS), Andrea Margelletti (President of CESI).


11 April 2019


Healthy work environments. Handle hazardous substances. Health and quality of life: non-negotiable matter in the workplace. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in collaboration with the European University of Rome.


1 - 3 March 2019

ESG investments, alternative governance models and prospects for sustainable growth

Borgo Egnazia - Puglia


January 16, 2019

Peace education: civil and political society

Conference at the Lateran University of Rome. In collaboration with the Lazio Regional University Committee and the Union of Rectors of Pontifical Universities. Organized by the Jacques Maritain International Institute.


8 August 2020

CCC International Congress of America

"Communication in the digital age: the value of time in the art of educating and forming" (Mexico).


December 5, 2019

End-of-year conference on social security itineraries

“Social security assets: a value for the country. Investments in the real economy ". with Prof. Alberto Brambilla. (Rome Italy)


November 9, 2019

Welfare and responsible investment in an aging society

Participation in the Annual Convention of Social Security Itineraries with Prof. Alberto Brambilla (Castrocaro Terme).


20 September 2019

National Conference of Confcommercio

Participation in the Confcommercio National Conference with the President Carlo Sangalli, Maurizio Grifoni (President FON.TE), Prof. Alberto Brambilla (Social Security Itineraries) Cagliari, Italy.

Image by Possessed Photography

10 September 2019

Laboratory of "Artificial Intelligence" of the University of Siena

University of Siena - Meeting with Marco Landi (former President of Apple) on the "Artificial Intelligence" Laboratory of the University of Siena - Faculty of Engineering.


June 26, 2019


Meeting with Doc. Hiromi Ota (Japan). Embassy to the Chambers of Commerce, National Confederation of Commerce. (Rome Italy)


22 June 2019


Core Values​​ meets Axel Von Trotsenburg (World Bank) and Cardinal Javier Lopez Barragan.


4 May 2019

Core Values​​ and LUM Mediterraneum University of Bari

With Prof. Fausto Capalbo (President of ICEPS) and Prof. Emanuele Degennaro (Rector of LUM Mediterraneum University): “The value of history. Human factor and behavioral economics from the anthropological point of view. The truth will set you free ”, Prof. J. Fiz Pérez. (Sailing Club Bari. Italy).

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April 3, 2019

SINGAPORE Management University (SMU)

More than 50,000 students from over 140 countries around the world. The value of Integral Training in the perspective of Cooperative Management.


26 - 28 October 2018




February 12, 2020

Conference: “Sustainable economy and active citizenship

A Social and Integrative approach since economics is a social science that must deal with the integral development of society: education, working life, health and real economy aimed at the well-being of families ". in collaboration with International Institute Jacques Maritain, Chair UNESCO Development & Culture and University of Lazio Committee. (Rome Italy)


November 26, 2019

Meeting with the Integral Development Department for the Promotion of the Social Economy. (Rome, Hotel Donavoi, Italy)

- Maurizio Grifoni (President of Fon.Te)

- Marco Frattini (President of Core Values)

- Javier Fiz Pérez (Vice President Core Values)

- Renato Giallombardo (GOP Partner)

- Marco Morganti (Intesa Sanpaolo Impact Department)

- Nicola Cabria (Chief Operating Officer Human Fondation)

- Lidia di Vece (Economy of the Common Good)

- Andrea Mandraccio (Head of Institutional SGR Anima)

- Joshtrom Isaac (Holy See)

- Enrico Molineri (Core Values General Secretariat)

- Alfonso Montanarini (Core Values Southeast Asia)

Image by Sebastian Herrmann

25 October 2019

31st International Conference "The human factor from Burnout to Quality of life"

Work-related stress according to the European Union strategy. (Helsinki, Finland).


13 September 2019

First European Congress of Anthropology and Health Sciences

Member of the Scientific Committee of the First European Congress of Anthropology and Health Sciences at the CEU University, Barcelona. Conference: Humanistic development and interaction with positive psychology in an anthropological key with the presence of Prof. Peter Hampson,


5th September 2019

Artificial intelligence and cognitive health

International Conference in Singapore on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Health as a member of the organizing committee.

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June 26, 2019

Meeting with the European Space Agency (ESA) Europe's gateway to space

ESA's programs are designed to learn more about Earth. ESA also works closely with space organizations outside Europe.


14 June 2019

800 years University of Salamanca (1219-2019)

Lectio Magistralis at the University of Salamanca (Spain). Historic International Congress (INFAD). “The true quality of life: humanistic approach. Psychology, Philosophy, Social Bioethics and Economics work together ”.


24 April 2019

From the human factor to sustainability and the real economy

Core Values - Brazil. Some keys to analyze what really matters in the local, national and international economy to promote the quality of life. (UNITAU - University of Taubaté ')

Image by Bret Kavanaugh

2 April 2019

Global Summit on Neuroscience

Quality of life and human behavior. Evolutionary progress. Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.


January 26, 2019


Ceremony dedicated to Prof. Alexander Zvyagnitsev (Russian Federation), with the presence of the Accademia Tiberina, as Member of the Council of the Academic Senate at the Official Club of the Armed Forces of Italy (Palazzo Barberini).

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