History teaches us how universities have been the pillars of the cultural and technological development of our civilization. Training is the necessary means for creating meaning and excellence in the continuous evolution of our society. Core Values positions itself on the market by interacting on some fields that distinguish it:
Construction, design and delivery of specific programs of excellence that start from the needs of each social and working reality based on the centrality of the person for the strengthening and personal and managerial training aimed at facing the challenges of the future.
Development of Synergies and networking with the most prestigious Universities and Research Bodies at a global level for the enhancement of research through the creation of Advanced Training Courses to ensure the applicability of the same at a territorial and global level with a view to operational promotion of Social Responsibility.
Conception and promotion of National and International Conferences and Congresses that allow the transmission and applicability of new research and innovations in order to promote integral training in real life; Knowing how to be, knowing how to do, knowing how to live.
World Economic Forum

Social Advertising
Social Advertising
Development of Social Advertising, by addressing the economic resources of the Marketing Industry on the social stage, increase the purchasing capacity of families.
Confcommercio (Imprese per l'Italia) and Core Values Org. (European Center for Studies and Research) are committed to implementing coordination and cooperation initiatives throughout the country from a System perspective, with the intention of collaboratively implementing training projects aimed at entrepreneurs.
Concrete initiatives of high scientific and technical profile for the promotion and development of the common good and the values underlying the principles related to the centrality of the person. A high road to achieving entrepreneurial excellence in this period of crisis, complexity and opportunity.
Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Andrea Colzani, President of Confcommercio-Imprese per l'Italia - Young Entrepreneurs Group with best wishes also extended to Dr. Marco Frattini, President of Core Values Org.

Comitato Tecnico-Scientifico
L'Associazione Core Values si avvale di un Comitato Centrale Tecnico Scientifico composto da una squadra internazionale di professionisti altamente qualificati in ambito accademico-scientifico e tecnico appartenenti a diversi campi di specializzazione per propiziare una efficace interattività trasversale e interdisciplinare nel rispetto dei principi di ragione di una sana antropologia incentrata sulla dignità dell’essere umano e la centralità della persona.