Conferences & Congresses
Social Ethics, Finance and Real Economy to promote
Quality of Life and Sustainability - 12 April 2021
This Conference is a vehicle for facilitating collaborative ventures among the Technology main actors, Legislative decision-makers, Business Executives. Its mission is to identify connections for the Digital and the human flourishing and then work collaboratively across sectors to make a real difference by sourcing and scaling bold and innovative solutions in promoting the common good. For this reason, Emerging Markets become an evident priority on our International interaction. There is a definite transformation of our economy; there are ethical challenges posed by new technologies concerning Finance, governance and rules related to it that everyone follow. In this historical moment people are required to create value for all and to tackle these new challenges with an Integral view of the Human Economy. For this reason Managers, entrepreneurs and the most influential leader in the economy field are called to be protagonist of this transformation for the good of all. As the world has already gone digital and the capacity for growth is exponentially increasing, it has become necessary to find, above all, a human and ethical dimension for all implications. It is a question of advancing with innovation and also rediscovering the potential of human values in the beauty and universality. Technology, AI, Big Data are set in place to defend our environment and our new productive systems. Innovation is bringing efficiency and opportunities but we also need to think how life will be in the forthcoming years and how will the digital age shape the next generations. This is for Core Values Org. the integral ecology that will lead humanity to true development and quality of life with all the Global and Local benefits.

Fair and Good Communication - 07 July 2021
In a post-pandemic and digital age, Communication must necessarily have social purposes and it must certainly be “true”. True Communication is the one that, first of all, verifies the truthfulness of the news and spreads it clearly and reaches the latest (even in person) and those who do not have easy access or possibility. Pope Francis “goes to the heart of communication, to the essence of what it means to communicate” and says:“Internet, if lived as a network of people and not just as a network of wires,” is a “gift from God”. The Pope does not fail to underline the pitfalls of the web, reiterating that “no matter how important technologies are, they can never replace humans. It is the journalists who have to go out on the streets, meet people, look for stories. This is up to the people, technologies can’t do it”. Regarding, for example, the actual pandemic, a correct information helps to defeat it faster! Also for the Covid case, there was an infodemic (rapid and far-reaching dissemination of accurate and inaccurate information on something, such as a disease) which have caused problems of psychological distress resulting from repeated media exposure to news on the epidemic. Although communication often has unforeseen consequences, people choose whether to use social media for good or bad purposes, in a good or bad way. “Communicating Hope” After the global crisis we need to rethink about a human coexistence, in order to build a better future, and Communication plays a fundamental role. This Communication must be certified, must be a secure information, aware about the risks of infodemics such as the excess of information that circulates, to insinuate doubts, which threaten rather than reconstruct the truth ”. Communication in the digital age, therefore, is an interaction between man and technology where the humanity is expressed in output and news and where the Education of the Digitalization becomes necessary for the coexistence of both.

Values Metrics - Una nuova metrica ESG ispirata alle Enciclica "Laudato Si"

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SME Connect, fondata nel 2017, è una vasta rete e un'organizzazione a ombrello per le PMI e i loro sostenitori che cercano di massimizzare l'impatto delle PMI a livello nazionale. SME Connect è apolitico ma è consigliato da un consiglio di politici senza scopo di lucro composto da tutti i gruppi politici costruttivi.

SME Europe è la più grande organizzazione politica in Europa che opera per i diritti delle piccole e medie imprese, creando e sviluppando una politica comune europea per le PMI. Fornisce consulenza sulla legislazione UE per le piccole e medie imprese. Miriamo a una stretta collaborazione con tutte le parti interessate che rappresentano il settore imprenditoriale poiché agli imprenditori viene dato un avvertimento tempestivo sullo sviluppo legale mentre riceviamo le loro valutazioni sugli effetti che ciò avrà su di loro